- (The previous books were about Hadith, and) As for what was in the science of realities in the Sufi way, this includes (the following 22 titles):
(6). – The Conjugation and Dissolution on the Mysteries of the Meanings of Quran
al-jamʿ wa-l-tafṣīl fī asrār maʿānī al-ṭanzīl - (الجمع والتفصيل في أسرار معاني التنزيل)
I completed it up to His, the Almighty, saying [in Surah al-Kahf]: “And when Moses said to his boy, I will not leave.” [Quran 18:60]. I do not think that anyone on Earth has ever worked on (the interpretation of) Qur’an in this manner, [page 189a] where I arranged the discussion in it on each verse on three stations: first the station of majesty (maqām al-jalāl), then the station of beauty (maqām al-jamāl), and then the station of moderation (maqām al-iʿtidāl), which is the isthmus, that is the complete Muhammadan inheritance, and it is the place of perfection. So I take the verse from the station of majesty and prestige, and speak on it until I refer it to that place with the gentlest reference and the best phrase. Then I take it itself and speak on it from the station of beauty, which counterpoise the first station, until I bring it back as though it was revealed in that particular station. Then, finally, I take that particular verse and speak on it in the station of perfection with words that do not resemble the two previous aspects, and in this regard I speak about the mysteries of letters, words and the small-letters, which are the accents, the living and the dead serenity - if there is anything of that -, the proportions, additions, signs, and the like. Then, after finish it, I move to the next verse. There is no single phrase in it from anyone else at all, unless by way of example, then it is possible, but that is very rare.
(7). – The Extracted Ember and Seized Thought
al-jadhwa al-muqtabasa wa-l-khaṭra al-mukhtalasa - (الجذوة المقتبسة والخطرة المختلسة)
(8). – The Key to Happiness in Knowing the Entrance to the Path of Willing
miftāḥ al-saʿāda fī maʿrifat al-madkhal ilā ṭarīq al-irāda - (مفتاح السعادة في معرفة المدخل إلى طريق الارادة)
(9). – The Trines Mentioned in the Qurʾan
al-muthallathāt al-wārida fī al-Qurʾān - (المثلثات الواردة في القرآن)
Such as the Almighty saying: “neither be old nor immature but of middle age” [Al-Baqara 2: 68], and the Almighty saying: “And do not recite loudly in your prayer nor quietly but seek the intermediate between that” [Al-Isra 17: 110].
(10). – The Heptads Mentioned in the Qur’an
al-musabbaʿāt al-wārida fī al-Qurʾān - (المسبعات الواردة في القرآن)
Such as the Almighty saying: “He created seven heavens” [Al-Talaq 65: 12], and the Almighty saying: “And seven if you return” [Al-Baqarah 2: 196].
(11). – The Answers to the Mansuriyya Issues
al-ajwiba ʿalā al-masāʾil al-manṣūriyya - (الأجوبة على المسائل المنصورية)
Which is about a hundred questions forwarded to me by a friend of mine named Manṣūr (most probably he is: Manṣūr al-Muqri al-Maṣri, whose name appears in many hearings, and he was copying some of the Sheikh's books).
(12). – Pledging Allegiance to the Pole in the Presence of Proximity
mubāyaʿat al-quṭb fi ḥaḍrat al-qurb - (مبايعة القطب في حضرة القرب)
Which contains many issues about the ranks of angels, messengers, prophets, the knowledgeable and spiritual people; no one had ever preceded me in this, according to my best knowledge.
(13). – The Methods of Ascension to Breaking the Chastity of Immortality Abstracted in the Tents of Gathering
manāhij al-irtiqāʾ l-iftiḍaḍ abkār al-baqāʾ al-mukhaddarāt bi-khaymāt al-liqāʾ - (مناهج الارتقاء إلى افتضاض أبكار البقاء المخدَّرات بخيمات اللقاء)
It contains three hundred chapters, in each chapter ten stations, [page 189b] so it includes three thousand stations.
(14). – The Essence of What the Seeker Needs
kunh mālā budda li-l-murīd minhu - (كنه ما لابد للمريد منه)
(15). – The Stringent on the Sermons and Maxims and the Manners of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah Have Peace and Mercy Upon Him
al-muḥkam fī al-mawāʿiẓ wa-l-ḥikam wa ʾādāb al-rasūl ṣalla Allāh ʿalayhi wa sallam - (المحكم في المواعظ والحكم وآداب رسول اللّه صلى الله عليه وسلم)
(In some versions, this title was counted as two separate books).
(16). – The Illuminance in Descending the Spirituality of the Highest Beings
al-jalāʾ fī istinzāl rūḥāniyyāt al-malaʾ al-aʿlā - (الجلاء في استنزال روحانيات الملأ الأعلى)
(and in some versions: al-ḥilā fī istinzāl ...: the Ornaments in Descending ...).
(17). – Exposing the Meaning of the Mystery of Allah’s Beautiful Names
kashf al-maʿna ʿan sirr asmāʾ Allāh al-ḥusnā - (كشف المعنى عن سر أسماء اللّه الحسنى)
(18). – The Healing of the Ill in Explaining the Path, in Preaching.
shifā al-ʿalīl fī iḍāḥ al-sabīl - (شفاء العليل في إيضاح السبيل)
(19). – The Bolt of the Enthusiast, in the Perfection of Human Composition and Improving the Character of Faith.
ʿuqlat al-mustawfiz - (عقلة المستوفز)
(20). – Cleansing the Hearts (in the Mysteries of the Knower of the Unseen)
jalāʾ al-qulūb (fī asrār ʿallam al-guyūb) - (جلاء القلوب (في أسرار علام الغيوب))
A wonderful incident happened about this book, and that's when I composed it, each of our companions took a booklet of it or two to read it. As for the preface, it was about twenty papers or so. Hence, we went out one night outside the country with a group of our companions, so we sat on a hill, looking at it, and it was one of the most creative subjects! When we finished reading it, we put it on the ground. Inexplicably, it was seized away (in front of our eyes), and I do not know who took it; a jinn or some unseen human! I have not known what happened to it until now. As for the rest of the book, I did not collect it after that, and everyone who had something from it did never return it to me, so it was destroyed. That was what happened!
(21). – The Realization of the Secret that Was Decreed in the Soul of the Righteous
al-taḥqīq fī shaʾn al-sirr al-ladhī waqara fī nafs al-ṣiddīq - (التحقيق في شأن السر الذي وقر في نفس الصدّيق)
(22). – The Exposition of the Gestures of the People of Inspiration
al-iʿlām bi-ishārāt ahl al-ilhām - (الإعلام بإشارات أهل الإلهام)
(23). – The Comprehension in Expounding the (previous) Exposition
al-ifhām fī sharḥ al-iʿlām - (الإفهام في شرح الإعلام (السابق))
(This title was added on the margin, while it is missing in Awwad's edition and merged with the previous one).
(24). – The Shining Lamp in Expounding the Words of al-Hallaj
al-sirāj al-wahhāj fī sharḥ kalām al-Ḥallāj - (السراج الوهاج في شرح كلام الحلاج)
(25). – The Selection from the Exploits of the Arabs
al-muntakhab fī maʾāthir al-ʿarab - (المنتخب في مآثر العرب)
(26). – The Results of Thoughts and the Gardens of Flowers
natāʾij al-afkār wa-ḥadāʾiq al-azhār - (نتائج الأفكار وحدائق الأزهار)
(27). – The Libra on the Reality of the Human
al-mīzān fī ḥaqīqat al-insān - (الميزان في حقيقة الإنسان)
These are the deposited book, and I don’t know whether something went out of my mind, because the incident is outdated and my thinking was not directed to it happened in the past, wary of running out of time. [This may indicate that these works were written before his arrival to the East, i.e. before the year 598 AH / 1200 AD. However, we also note that some of these books that were missing at the time of writing this Index are already present now, while most others are still missing, especially the book of the Conjugation and Dissolution (6), which is considered a unique treasure of Quran interpretation or exegesis, according to the Sheikh's description of it.]