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In addition to the usual bibliographical references that will be included at the end of this book, and referenced properly in the text, most of the other quotes are based on Ibn al-Arabi’s major comprehensive work of the “Meccan Revelations” (Al-Futuhat Al-Makkiyyah). Therefore, because we are going to refer to this book very often, we shall use a short reference style directly in the text, without using footnotes, enclosed by medium brackets, in the form: [Futuhat: X.000.00], which means: [volume.page.line]. When the line number is omitted, the reference is in the entire page, or a range of pages like this [II.229-231]. For all this, we have used the standard edition re-published by many houses based on (photocopy of) the old edition of Bulaq, published in 1911, in four volumes each about 600-700 pages of 35 lines, as it will be also listed in the Bibliography. You should notice, however, that newer type-scripted editions maybe different, although some of them are also four volumes.
In addition to the Futuhat, we also applied short form of references to many other books by Ibn al-Arabi, like: Ayyâm al-sha’n, al-Tanazzulât al-Mawšiliyyah and al-Durrah al-Bayda’, which will be also listed in the bibliography, together with a list of other useful books on or by Shaykh Muhyiddin.
All references to the Holy Quran shall be indicated also in the text; after each verse quoted or meaning indicated in the text we shall add a reference like that [Quran: xx:yy] where xx refers to the number of Surah (chapter) and yy is the number of Ayah (verse).
For Hadith narrations, I tried to cite the books of the English translations of the major canonical Hadith collections. However, in many other cases, I mainly relied on Kanz al-Ummal, collected by Ali ibn Abd-al-Malik al-Hindi (1472 CE / 888 AH - 1567 CE / 975 AH). This huge collection was first published by Daairat al-Maarif al-Uthamiyya, Hyderabad Deccan, and now available from other publishers, such as Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Lebanon, published in 1998, edited by Mahmud Umar al-Dumyati. References from this collections are given in the form [Kanz: Hadith number].
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