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2.3.13 - Seeing the Prophets peace be upon them

Therefore, the Greatest Shaykh Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi had been seeing all the prophets, peace be upon them, by direct eye, and he met with some of them on many occasions, both in the physical kingdom, or in the world of imagination. He declared in the Meccan Revelations, that he directly say all the messengers and prophets, and he in particular spoke to Hud, the brother of Aad. He also adds that he saw, also by direct eye, all the believers; those who have been and those who will come, to the Day of Resurrection, adding that Allah made him to see them in one plain in two different times. Then he adds:

I have accompanied some of the Prophets and benefited from them. In addition to Muhammad, peace be upon him, I read the Quran on Abraham al-Khalil, and I returned on the hands of Jesus, and Moses taught me the science of disclosure and clarification, and the science of the flipping of night and day. When I got that, the night has gone and only the day remained, so that my whole day has become daytime and the Sun did not set or rise again for me after I had this disclosure, which was a promise from Allah that I have no share in misery in the Hereafter. As for Hud, peace be upon him, I asked him about one issue and he revealed it to me and then it happened in existence just as he told me. ... I lived with the Prophets Muhammad, peace be upon him, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Hud and David, but I have only seen the others, without accompanying them.

[Futuhat: IV.77].

He also says while speaking about the ascension(s) that he experienced:

When I entered (to the second heaven) I saw Jesus, peace be upon him, with his own body, because he did not die until now, but Allah raised him to this sky and made him dwell in it and rule it. He is our first Shaykh whom we returned on his hands, and he has great care for us that he does not ignore us for an hour, and I hope to realize the time of his return (back to Earth, before the Day of Resurrection), God willing.

[Futuhat: III.341].

He also mentioned that poetry in the introduction to the thirteenth and three hundred of the conquests, as his custom may Allah be pleased with him that he always opens the doors of conquests with verses are part of the subject of the door. Shaykh Muhyiddin says in this poem: [Futuhat: III.49]

I tell Adam the origin of the debris, As the origin of the letter Noah proceeded

Muhammad is an honorable ancestor, Mighty in existence for every soul

If they come and my brothers stand, For their service she craved to Christ

I was deciding on his hands, And helped me kill Masih [181]

So in a dream, Moses was, Survive by saying eloquent

And he gave me the deer [180] on my right, I understand by reference and explicit

And my songs rejoiced me louder, And impoverished me accompanied my tomb

If they come and annex them maqam, To them when he saw them delinquent

The parents’ righteousness is obligatory, True to myself to forfeit Noah

I am the son of Muhammad and I am the son of Noah, I am also the son of Adam in the right, Whoever understands the riddles this

The tongue of our symbols of science suggests

To clarify some of the meanings mentioned in this poem, we recall that Ibn al-Arabi considers that the origin of our souls is the spirit of Muhammad, peace be upon him, is “the first spirit of the fathers” and that Adam peace be upon him “the first fathers body” and Noah, peace be upon him “the first messenger sent”, But they were prophets. As he said in this same chapter 13300, the first person to open the letter was Noah, peace be upon him, the first human spirit found was the soul of Muhammad, and the first human body was found in Adam’s body. [Futuhat: III.49]

[180] Gazelle is a name for the sun.

[181] The meaning of killing Christ here, is the killing of the Antichrist, a symbol of passion, which seems to the image of the mind to tempt them by doing things that you think of the mind, delusions that lead to corruptions and delusions and achieve urgent lusts. See the heart behavior: p. 148.