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![]() | - As for what people now have (of my books) in the way of the realities, this includes (the following 38 titles):
(35). – The Divine Measures in the Reforming the Human Kingdom
al-tadbīrāt al-ilāhiyya fī iṣlāḥ al-mamlaka al-insāniyya - (التدبيرات الإلهية في إصلاح المملكة الإنسانية)
In this book I followed the example of the wise Aristotle in his book of "The Secret of Secrets", which he composed for Alexander. Because of that book I put this one for the question of our brother Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Al-Ustad Al-Murouri (mentioned in Volume I).
(36). – The Cause of the Affection of the Soul in the Body, and the pain it suffers when parting by death.
sabab taʿashshuq al-nafs bi-l-jism - (سبب تعشّق النفس بالجسم)
(37). – The Descending of the Unseen on the Levels of Hearts
inzāl al-ghuyūb ʿalā marātib al-qulūb - (إنزال الغيوب على مراتب القلوب)
(38). – The Ascension to the Highest Station
al-isrā ilā al-maqām al-asrā - (الإسرا إلى المقام الأسرى)
(39). – The Scenes of Sacred Mysteries and the Onsets of Divine Lights
mashāhid al-asrār al-qudsiyya wa-maṭāliʿ al-anwār al-ilāhiyya - (مشاهد الأسرار القدسية ومطالع الأنوار الإلهية)
(40). – The Clearing (in Revealing the Guardian. This addition is found in the edition of Awwad only, and it was adopted by Othman Yahya).
al-jalī (fī kashf al-walī) - ((الجلي )في كشف الولي)
(41). – The Direct Method in Arranging the States of Imam al-Bustami Abu Yazid
al-manhaj al-sadīd fī tartīb aḥwāl al-Imam al-Bustami Abī Yazīd - (المنهج السديد في ترتيب أحوال الإمام البسطامي أبي يزيد)
(42). – The Sole Key to the Locks of Inspiration and Clarifying the Issues of Seeker's Banners in Explaining the States of Imam Al-Bustami Abu Yazid
miftāḥ aqfāl al-ilhām al-waḥīd wa-iḍāḥ ashkāl aʿlām al-murīd fī sharḥ aḥwāl Abī Yazīd - (مفتاح أقفال الإلهام الوحيد وإيضاح إشكال إعلام المريد في شرح أحوال الإمام البسطامي أبي يزيد)
The Real ordered me in sleep to explain it, while I was on the coast of Ceuta in the countries of Morocco, so I set up an initiative before dawn, and I had two transcribers, thus I dictated and they wrote, until we finish two volumes before sunrise.
(43). – The Consolation for those Devoted to the Lord of the Worlds
uns al-munqaṭiʿīn bi-rabbi al-ʿalāmīn - (أنس المنقطعين برب العالمين)
I wrote it for myself and for others.
(44). – The Good Advice. Like that (I wrote it for myself and for others).
al-mawʿiẓa al-ḥasana - (الموعظة الحسنة)
(45). – The Purpose in Abridging the Book of the Adornment by Abu Naʿīm al-Hafiz
al-bughya fī ikhtiṣār kitāb al-ḥilya li-Abi Naʿīm al-Hafiz - (البغية في اختصار كتاب الحلية)
Similar to that, I wrote it for myself (and for others).
(46). – The Luxurious Pearl in Mentioning those from Whom I Benefited in the Path to the Hereafter
al-durra al-fākhira fī dhikr man intafaʿtu bihi fī ṭarīq al-ākhira - (الدرة الفاخرة في ذكر من انتفعت به في طريق الآخرة)
(In some variations he adds: including humans, animals, plants and metals).
(47). – The Principles and Objectives in the Mysteries Contained in the Letters Hidden in the Names and Verses
al-mabādī wa-l-ghāyāt [page 190b] fī asrār al-ḥurūf al-maknūnāt fī al-asmāʾ wa-l-daʿawāt - (المبادئ والغايات في أسرار الحروف المكنونات في الأسماء والدعوات)
[In the book of (71) Mim-Waw-Nun, the Sheikh specifies that this book is the same as Al-Fateh al-Fasi].
(48). – The Positions of the Stars and Onsets of the Crescents of Mysteries and Sciences
mawāqiʿ al-nujūm wa-maṭāliʿ ahillat al-asrār wa-l-ʿulūm - (مواقع النجوم ومطالع أهلة الأسرار والعلوم)
(49). – The Existential Descends from the Generous Treasuries
al-inzālāt al-wujūdiyya min al-khazāʾin al-jūdiyya - (الإنزالات الوجودية من الخزائن الجودية)
(50). – The Ornament of Substitutes and What Appears Therein of Knowledge and States
Ḥilyat al-abdāl wa ma yaẓhar ʿanha min al-maʿārif wal-aḥwāl - (حلية الأبدال وما يظهر عنها من المعارف والأحوال)
This was a book of an instance, that I put together in the Taʿif (near Mecca) in Darb Aal Mayya. In this book I spoke about hunger, silence, vigilance, and solitude.
(51). – The Lights of Dawn in Knowing the Stations and Those Working for Wages and not for Wages
anwār al-fajr fī maʿarifati al-maqāmāt wal-ʿāmilin ʿala al-ajr wa ʿala gayr al-ajr - (أنوار الفجر في معرفة المقامات والعاملين على الأجر وعلى غير الأجر)
Rather, I called it so because I did not write a letter in it except at the time of dawn until the Sun is about to rise.
(52). – The Meccan Revelations in Knowing the Kingdom and Dominion Mysteries
al-futūḥāt al-makkiyya fī maʿrifat al-asrār al-mālikiyya wa-l-mulkiyya - (الفتوحات المكية فى معرفة الأسرار المالكية والملكية)
This is a large book in (twenty) volumes that includes openings I received in Mecca, and it contains five hundred and sixty chapters on great mysteries about the levels of sciences, knowledge, seeking, abodes, juxtapositions, and poles, and like that of this art. (In the edition of Awwad, he added: “And I think - and Allah knows best - these had been no other book classified like it nor is going to be, because I followed in it a peculiar manner and a wonderful style.” However, although it is true, we do not find such an addition in any other manuscript.).
(53). – The Crown of Treatises and the Method of Intermediaries
tāj al-rasāʾil wa-minhāj al-wasāʾil - (تاج الرسائل ومنهاج الوسائل)
It contains conversations between me and the Kaaba, honored by Allah, and it consists of seven treatises.
(54). – The Holy Spirit on Counseling Oneself
rūḥ al-quds fī munāṣaḥat al-nafs - (روح القدس في مناصحة النفس النفس)
(55). – The Mosulean Descends in the Mysteries of Purity and the Five Prayers and the Original Estimated Days
al-tanazzulāt al-Mawṣiliyya fi asrār al-ṭaharāt wal-ṣalawāt al-khams wal-ayyām al-muqaddara al-aṣliyya - (التنزلات الموصلية في أسرار الطهارات والصلوات الخمس والأيام المقدرة الأصلية)
(56). – The Gestures of Qur'an in the Human Realm
ishārāt al-qurʾān fī ʿālam al-insān - (إشارات القرآن في عالم الإنسان)
(57). – The Divine Swearing by the Lordly Name
al-qasam al-ilāhī bi-l-ism al-rabbānī - (القسم الإلهي بالاسم الرباني)
(58). – Majesty and Beauty
al-jalāl wa-l-jamāl - (الجلال والجمال)
(59). – (The Uncovered Secret) in the Introduction for Working with Letter
al-sirr al-makshūf fī al-madkhal ilā al-ʿamal bi-l-ḥurūf - ((السر المكشوف في) المدخل إلى العمل بالحروف)
(The addition in parenthesis is from the edition of Awwad.).
(60). – The Persuasive (Argument) in Explaining the Refraining Plain
al-muqniʿ fī īḍāḥ al-sahl al-mumtaniʿ - (المقنع في ايضاح السهل الممتنع)
(61). – The Tightly Bolted Order in the Conditions Required by the People of Allah the Almighty
al-amr al-muḥkam al-marbūt fī maʿrifat mā yalzam ahl ṭarīq Allāh taʿāla min al-shurūṭ - (لأمر (المحكم) المربوط في معرفة ما يحتاج إليه أهل طريق اللّه تعالى من الشروط)
(62). – The Lights on the Mysteries that Are Granted to the Person in Solitude
al-anwār fī mā yumnaḥ ṣāhib al-khalwa min al-asrār - (الأنوار فيما يمنح صاحب الخلوة من الأسرار)
(63). – The Fabulous Phoenix (on Knowing the Seal of Saints and the Sun of the West)
ʿanqāʾ mughrib (fī maʿrifat khatm al-awliyāʾ wa-shams al-maghrib) - (عنقاء مغرب )في معرفة ختم الأولياء وشمس المغرب))
(64). – What is Known of the Doctrines of the Scientists of Formalities
al-maʿlūm min ʿaqāʾid ʿulamāʾ al-rusūm - (المعلوم من عقائد علماء الرسوم)
(65). – The Cosmic Union and the Essential Sight in the Presence of the Human Tree and the Four Spiritual Birds
al-ittiḥād al-kawni wal-mashehad al-ʿayni bi-ḥaḍrat al-shajara al-insaniyya wal-tuyūr al-arbaʿa al-ruḥaniyya - (وكتاب الاتحاد الكوني والمشهد العيني بحضرة الشجرة الإنسانية والطيور الأربعة الروحانية)
(66). – The Indications in the Mysteries of Divine Names and Metaphors
al-ishārāt fī asrār al-asmāʾ al-ilāhiyya wa-l-kināyāt - (الإشارات في أسرار الأسماء الإلهية والكنايات)
(67). – The Abstract Veils on the Identity Essence
al-ḥujub al-mʿnawiyya ʿan al-thāt al-huyiwwa - (الحجب المعنوية عن الذات الهوية)
(68). – Constructing the Tables, Circles, Minutes, Subtleties and Realities
inshāʾ al-jadāwil wal-dawāʾir wal-daqāʾiq wal-raqāʾiq [page 191a] wal-ḥaqāʾiq - (إنشاء الجداول والدوائر والدقائق والرقائق)
(69). – The Repositories in Decent Morals
al-aalaq fi makarim al-akhlāq - (الأعلاق في مكارم الأخلاق)
(70). – The Meadow of Lovers
rawḍat al-ʿāshiqīn - (روضة العاشقين)
(71). – Ninety-Six (or: Mim, Waw and Nun, or the Periodic Letters)
al-mīm wa-l-wāw wa-l-nūn - (الميم والواو والنون)
We talked in this book about (the letters) Mim, Waw, and Nun, because of the convergence of their beginnings to their ends (and thus they are also called: the periodic letters).
(72). – The Diwan of Divine Knowledge and Spiritual Kindness
dīwān al-maʿārif al-ilāhiyya wa-l-laṭāʾif al-rūḥāniyya - (ديوان المعارف الإلهية واللطائف الروحانية)
This includes what we have of prose. (And according to the Leave to the Triumphant King: this book is the same as the Great Diwan.).
Therefore, that was the listing of our books currently with the people, that are in the way of realities.
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