3.2.12 - Shaykh Abu Yaaza and the Mousawi Inheritance
We have mentioned in the previous chapter, when talking about the Issawi station in section
ef(isawi, and about the meaning of the inheritance of the prophets in section [ref:inheritance, that some saints are described as Issawi and some are Mousawi and some are Muhammadan, and these may move through these states such as Shaykh Muhyiddin, may Allah be pleased with him, who started as Issawi and was raised to other states until he become Muhammadan heirs, which happened in Mecca, as will mention in section
ef(muhammadan of chapter IV.
In this regard, Shaykh Muhyiddin says that Shaykh Abu Yaaza was a hereditary of Mousa. This Shaykh had many charismata and he was the teacher of Shaykh Abu Madyan, and he was famous in Maghreb, contemporaneous to the Greatest Shaykh but they did not meet because he died before he entered the Way, but he also calls him: our Shaykh. He was born in 438/1047, and lived in Fez for a while, then went to Magrawa and settled in the village of Taghaya, where he died in 572/1177, at the age of 130. His full name is: Yalnour Ibn Maymun Ibn Abdullah al-Dukkali al-Hazmiri al-Gharbi.
Shaykh Muhyiddin adds that Moses peace be upon him when, he returned from from Mount Tur where Allah spoke with him directly without any intermediary, he was dressed with a light on his face that was known as a sign of the sincerity of what he claimed. As a result, anyone who saw him in this state he instantly turned blind because of the intensity of this light, thus he used to wear a veil so as not to hurt the beholders who look at his face. Ibn al-Arabi then adds:
Our Shaykh Abu Yaaza, in Maghreb, was a Mousawi heirs. God gave him this dignity, thus anyone who saw his face he turns blind, but then he wipes his face with his gown and God will restore his sight. one of those who saw him and were blinded was our Shaykh Abu Madyan, may God have mercy on them, then he wiped his eyes with the garment that was on Abu Yaaza so God had his sight restored.
[Futuhat: IV.51].