0.3.2 - Biography of the Greatest Master and His Genealogy
The Greatest Shaykh Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi, whose biography will be the subject of this book, is Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Hâtimi al-Tâ’iy, descendant of Abdullah Ibn Hâtim, brother of ’Udei bin Hâtim, the famous companion of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Ibn al-Arabi himself is known as Abu Abdullah, al-Hâtimiy, al-Tâ’iy, and he is often designated as the Greatest Shaykh (al-Shaykh al-Akbar: Doctor Maximus), Muhyiddin (Reviver of Religion), Sultân al-’Ârifîn (King of the Knowing), Imam of the pious, and other titles and descriptions of veneration and honors that he undoubtedly deserves.
Ibn al-Arabi was born on Monday night, the 17th of Ramadan 560 AH, corresponding to the 26th of July 1165 AD, in the city of Murcia in eastern Andalusia. He moved with his family to Seville in the year 568/1172, where he lived for the next twenty years, during which he traveled to Maghrib and Tunisia several times, and stayed there for intermittent periods. After that he traveled to the East for the Hajj in the year 598/1201, never to return to Andalusia again.
In the East, he lived in Egypt briefly and then went to Palestine, heading to Mecca, where he devoted himself to worship and teaching at the Grand Mosque, the place where he received the secrets and wisdom he deposited in his most famous book of the Meccan Revelations.
After that he went to Iraq and entered Baghdad and Mosul and met their scholars, and then traveled north to Anatolia and Turkey where he dwelt for many years and had a high status with king Kaykaus.
After that, the Shaykh took numerous trips between Iraq, Egypt, Syria and Palestine, until he settled in Damascus in the year 620/1223, where he stayed there until he passed away in the night of the 22nd of the month of Rabii II of the year 638 AH, corresponding to the 9th of November 1240 AD. He was buried at the foothill of Mount Kassioun, now the region where his mausoleum lies is called after his name (Shaykh Muhyiddin) where his grave is located beside the mosque, which was built by the order of Sultan Selim I when he visited Damascus after he entered Egyptian in 923/1517.
Ibn al-Arabi, may Allah have mercy on him, had two sons: Saad Eddin Muhammad and Imad al-Din Muhammad.
He studied Quran in Seville on Shaykh Abu Bakr bin Khalaf al-Kawmi, according to the seven readings, using the book of al-Kaafi, and he studied interpretation, and heard from a number of authors or those who narrate them, including Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Abi Jamra, after his father who narrates directly from al-Dani, the author of al-Taysiir. Also he studied under Ibn Zarkon and Abu Muhammad Abd-ul-Haq al-Ishbili al-Azdi and many others. He also heard the hadith from Abulqasim Al-Khozstani and others, and he heard Sahih Muslim from Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Ibn Abi Nasr.
The Greatest Shaykh Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi excelled in mysticism and Sufi science, in which he wrote hundreds of books and treatises, in excess of five hundred books according to Abdul Rahman Jami author of the book ”Nafahat al-Uns”. One of these books is ”the Meccan Revelations”, considered by many to be the most important book in Islamic history, and one of the most important books in the history of mankind. He also wrote a book on ”the interpretation of the Quran” on which the author of Fawaat al-Wafiyyaat says that it spans ninety five volumes, and yet he worked only on the first half of Quran, up to al-Kahf Chapter, right up to the verse speaking about the divine knowledge of Khidr: ”And we have taught him the science of Ours”, but then he died before he could complete it.
He also wrote: ”the Bezels of Wisdom” that he says in his introduction that he saw the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in a dream, and he gave him a book and asked him to bring out this book to public, so he wrote it as it is without any addition nor dropping. Among his other famous books also: ”Entertaining the Righteous (Muhadarat-al-Abraar)”, ”Originating the Circles (Inshaa al-Dawaair)”, ”the Bolt of the Excited (Uqlat al-Mustawfiz)”, ”the Fabulous Gryphon (Anqaa Mughrib)”, ”the Discloser of Desires (Turjuman al-Ashwaaq)”, ”the Divine Policies in Reforming the Human Kingdom (al-Tadbiraat al-Ilahiyya)”, ”the Positions of Stars (Mawaqi al-Nujum)”, and many other smaller treatises. Osman Yahya published a comprehensive study on the history and classification of Ibn al-Arabi’s books, the original book is in French and then it was translated into Arabic by Ahmed al-Tibiy. At the end of this book there will an extensive appendix on the books of the Grand Shaykh, may Allah be pleased with him.
Scholars and specialists agreed that Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi was not an ordinary author like others, but he was distinct both in quantity and quality. He himself confirms that he does not follow the course of authors who write according to their own ideology and thought, but all what he writes is inspiration from Allah, as we shall see later with more detail. Brockelmann described him as one of the most fertile minds who has the best imagination amongst authors.(citep)bibid