Volume I
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Volume III
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contents - The Reason for this Acceptance by the Kings

The reason for this unparalleled credit and the beautiful acceptance of Shaykh Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi by the kings and the fact that they do not want reject his requests is due the state that Allah Almighty described to His prophets Moses and Aaron when they were sent to negotiate with Pharaoh. Allah Said in Quran: ((And speak to him with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded or fear [Allah].)) [20: 44]. This ultimate politeness is required so that he considers you on his side when you explain your request, otherwise if he considers you as an opponent he surely is going to refuse.

Ibn al-Arabi says that when he tasted this station and was united with it, he applied it in his dialogues with the kings who he accompanied. He says that, thanks to this strategy, he was never rejected with anything he requested from the kings and princes, and he was able to help many people by luring them to his side to the point they start to support his purpose and advocate his views [Meccan Revelations: III.472]