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3.8.1 - With Shaykh Abdullah al-Qalfat Again (Ceuta, 595/1198)

We mentioned in sections

ef(al-qalfat and

ef(ibn-tarif above that when Shaykh Muhyiddin crossed the straight, on his first trip to Tunis and on his way back, he visited his friends Shaykh Abu Muhammad Abdullah Ibn Ibrahim al-Qalfat and Shaykh Ibrahim Abu Ishaq Ibn Tarif. Likewise this time he also mentions that he visited them together with his new friend Bader al-Habashi.

He says in the Meccan Revelations that he when he arrived at Ceuta, with his companion Abdullah Bader al-Habashi, they met with Shaykh Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Malaqi, known as Qalfat, who is the companion of Abu al-Rabii al-Kafif and Ibrahim Ibn Tarif, mentioned in section

ef(ibn-tarif above [Futuhat: I.242, also: II.234].

He also says in the Holy Spirit that al-Qalfat followed the way of Chivalry: Futuwwah (working for the sake of others), and he showed all the signs of doing so. One always saw him busy on someone else’s behalf, he having no thought for himself. He would go to the authorities and rulers on behalf of others and his house was always open to the poor. He adhered strictly to the law and behaved himself in a seemly way. Spiritually speaking, he was more joyous than Ibrahim Ibn Tarif who was rather more stern in this respect. I met with this Shaykh on many occasions and he was very fond of me.