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Volume III
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3.4 - Returning to Andalusia - 590/1193

This first visit of the Grand Shaykh to Tunisia was not long, because he returned in the same year to Andalusia. Perhaps the reason for his return is that he knew that his father was sick and that he maybe about to die. We will find in section

ef(hisparentsdeath below that he has actually died later in the same year, as well as his mother, may God’s mercy be upon them. We do not know if anyone told him or because he saw it in a vision or so, or also maybe his father was with him in Tunisia as we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter.

On his return from Tunisia, he must have taken the northern road from where he may have passed through Bugia and Tlemcen, although he probably left no news of it because he did not stop much, as well as in Ceuta. But he inevitably stopped on the Algeciras where he met there with Shaykh Abu Abdullah al-Qalfat.

3.4.1- Meeting with Abu Muhammad Abdullah Ibn Ibrahim al-Qalfat (Algeciras 590/1193)

3.4.2- Returning to Seville - 590/1194

3.4.3- The Men of the Unseen (Seville, 590/1194)

3.4.4- The Death of His Father and Mother - (590/1194)

3.4.5- The Book of Divine Scenes

3.4.6- The Deterioration of the Situation in Andalusia