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2.9.14 - Saiih

His supplication at the end of every session was, O God, cause us to hear and see that which is good and may God bestow His forgiveness upon us and cause us to remain in it. May He also make our hearts to concentrate on righteousness and cause us to apply ourselves to that which is dear and pleasing to Him. Then he would recite a portion from the final section of the chapter of the Quran entitled The Cow. We also used this prayer at the end of our own sessions. One night, while I was in the Holy Sanctuary at Mecca, I saw the Prophet in a dream in which a reader was reading the Sahih of al-Bukhari to him. When the reader had finished, the Prophet prayed the same prayer; I therefore applied myself the more eagerly to this practice.

This Shaykh was most earnest and dedicated to self-discipline, being very precise in carrying out the acts of worship. In this connection he adhered to certain duties at fixed times to which he has kept to this day. He also carried with him a means of recording his deeds every day until nightfall which he would use in calling himself to account before retiring to bed. If he found good in himself, he would praise God for it, and if he found bad, he would say all the prayers necessary for forgiveness.