Volume I
Volume II
Volume III
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contents - And what is also in the hands of people (these 3 titles of different subjects):

(73). – The Promising (Visions)

al-mubashshirāt - (المبشّرات)

In this book I mentioned the visions that I remembered, which may include beneficially knowledge or incite goodness.

(74). – The Arrangement of the Voyage

tartīb al-riḥla - (ترتيب الرحلة)

I mentioned in it what I had met on my trip to the Levant, and I devoted part of it for mentioning our Sheikhs whom we have seen and heard from them; I mention the Sheikh, may Allah be pleased with him, and then I cite a useful story about him or a Hadith of the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, or some verses of poetry, either by him or from his narration.

(75). – The Ascendants (in the Narrations of Hadith)

al-ʿawālī (fī asānīd al-aḥādīth) - (العوالي )في أسانيد الحديث))

In this book I mention the hadiths with root narrations, but I did not specify authenticity.