Volume I
Volume II
Volume III
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contents - Some of which are (the following 5 titles) about the Hadith:

(1). – Abridging the Authentic Hadiths of Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj

Ikhtiṣār Muslīm - (اختصار مسلم)

I have abbreviated the book of the authentic (list of) Hadiths by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, for myself (as a personal study).

(2). – Abridging the (Hadiths) Book of Tirmithi

ikhtiṣār al-Tirmidhī - (اختصار الترمذي)

And I also abbreviated the book of Abu Issa al-Tirmidhi.

(3). – The Lamp in Combining the Authentic Books of Hadiths

al-miṣbāḥ fī al-jamʿ bayna al-ṣiḥāḥ - (المصباح في الجمع بين الصحاح)

And I started compiling a book called: The Lamp in Combining the Authentic Books of Hadiths.

(4). – Abridging the "Adorned"

ikhtiṣār al-muḥallā - (اختصار المحلى)

And I also began with the abbreviation "Al-Muhalla" by Ibn Hazm Al-Farisi (al-Andalusi).

(5). – The Ritual on the Elevated States of the Messenger of Allah

al-iḥtifāl fī mā kāna ʿalayhi rasūl Allāh min saniy al-aḥwāl -(الاحتفال فيما كان عليه رسول اللّه من سنّي الأحوال)