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0.2.6 - The Classification Method of the List of Books

On the other hand, Osman Yahia tried to organize these titles according to the subject, or to the date of authoring, etc., but all of this was not possible due to their overlap and the ramification of their topics and the lack of knowledge of the exact dates of the authorship of many of them, so he finally chose to arrange them alphabetically, but according to Latin letters, because the publication of his book was in French! However, this choice was not really wise, and in fact even the Arabic alphabet is not a good option either, because there are different titles of the same book and the repetition of the word "kitab: book" or "risalah: treatise" as an essential part of some titles and the absence of that in some other titles. In addition, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, when he translated the book into Arabic, was forced to rearrange these titles, after translation, according to the Arabic alphabet, and this led to many typographical errors in linking the many overlapping numbers.

For this reason, this ordering of Sheikh Muhyiddin's works need to be reviewed, and perhaps the easiest way is to follow the same order chosen by him in the Index, or even the Leave, which we will do automatically in the first chapter of this book, but the problem is that most of these books are still missing, while many of the books that exist are in fact small treatises, many of which have already been included in the Meccan Revelations and some other books. Therefore, after listing the titles in the Index and the Leave, which include all books that exist or are lost, we will rearrange the existing works according to their importance and specific subjects, so that the basic books take the first numbers at the top of the list, then we shall add an broad description of the contents of each book and the topics discussed in it, and mention the various important editions and manuscripts available in international libraries. Therefore, this section will include only the books that exist, either in print or manuscript forms, except for a few unique and important books, which are still missing, but we have sufficient information about their content and importance, such as the famous book of Tafsir:Quran Exegesis entitled: al-Jamʿ wa-l-tafṣīl fī asrār maʿānī al-tanzīl.