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4.1.11 - Avoiding Hell

=\%On the subject of the importance of charity also tells Shaykh Muhyiddin had been for some elderly people of the budget in Morocco maximum that Sultan raise him in the right things must kill them, ordered corpus restricted and calls out to the people that attend all may even ask them about it, and people were in it a single word in the killing and to say mean that and Zndgueth should be. Famer Shaykh way a man sells bread said to him, lend me half pinch Vokarzh incredible by someone passing, then load and sit in the crowd, the greatest and the ruling may pluck him that saw the people including male that he was killed by the evil killers, and was governor of the most odious people in it. The ruling said: O people of Marrakesh So what do you say it? Took up his total with one voice: It was amended bless! Governor marveled, and said to him, Shaykh not admire what this issue is far; any anger greatest anger or God’s wrath and anger of the fire? Said God’s wrath and anger of the fire? Said any protection the greatest weight and deal: Half a pinch or half Tamra? Half a pinch. Said: I paid your anger and the anger of this combination half a loaf when I heard the Prophet peace be upon him says “Fear the Fire, even half a date”, [22] and said: “The charity of extinguishes the wrath of God and pay a bad death”, [23] was an act of God that; pay me Cherkm and bad death half a loaf with Hakartkm and bone Sedkta Sedkta greatest of Tamra incision and less anger from the wrath of the fire and the anger of the Lord. Attendees marveled strength of his faith. [24]