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3.2.14 - The Death of Shaykh Abu Madyan

Historians differed on the exact date when Shaykh Abu Madyan passed away; most of them giving the years 593 or 594, but Shaykh Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi alluded clearly that that was in 589, because he mentioned that Shaykh Abu Madyan was one of the two Imams whose states are usually associated with Surat Tabarak, as we mentioned above, and he says right in the title of Chapter 556 of the Meccan Revelations that this was the state of one of his shaykhs who died in 589, then he says later in text that this commemoration was for Shaykh Abu Madyan [Futuhat: IV.195].

Therefore, this may better explain why Shaykh Muhyiddin did not meet him when he went to Tunisia in 589-590, and maybe that he actually began this trip to meet him before he died, but God did not ordained it, as we explained above.